The following are methods by which conformation of an Epagneul Breton can be evaluated.
• Formal Exhibition or “Showing”
“Conformation” shows sponsored by the Club de l’Epagneul Breton of the United States (CEB-US) and licensed by the United Kennel Club provide excellent opportunities for dog owners and breeders to have their dogs’ physical conformation evaluated by experts knowledgeable of the breed. These shows are conducted in a traditional show ring setting. The dogs are preferred to be exhibited in a relatively natural state, without substantial grooming. Ribbons and prizes are awarded by class.
• Official Conformation Evaluations or “Confirming”
At breed specialty shows and other UKC licensed events, CEB-US and affiliated regional Epagneul Breton clubs periodically offer the opportunity for dogs to be formally confirmed. In an informal setting outside of the show ring, Expert Confirmateurs evaluate and carefully record their observations about each dog presented for evaluation of conformation. The purpose of the evaluation is to carefully examine the dog, to determine whether the dog meets the official UKC Conformation Standard for the Epagneul Breton. Dogs which meet the accepted breed standard are then certified as having been “confirmed.”
• Overall Conformation Quality or “Rating”
At the CEB-US annual national specialty show (sometimes referred to as the "CEB-US national elevage) and at other regional specialty conformation shows specifically designated by CEB-US as "super specialties," the dogs exhibited may be assigned overall conformation quality ratings of Excellent (C-1), Very Good (C-2) , Good (C-3) or Insufficient. This “Rating” is indicative of how the dog’s overall quality of conformation compares with other representatives of the breed. The assigned “Rating” can be helpful to breeders and other persons interested in the dog’s conformation, and is always assigned in the formal group setting of a conformation show, to insure more objectivity.

Comprehensive information about the confirmation process is outlined in the CEB Official Confirming Procedures, which also includes forms for the judging and confirming process.