L'Epagneul Breton
The official magazine of the Club l'Epagneul Breton of the United States, L'Epagenul Breton, is published biannually in June and December. The magazine is a benefit for CEB-US members and includes:
Articles and stories by and about members
Training articles by respected, successful trainers
A complete list of upcoming field trials
Regional reports, including news from local CEB-US clubs
CEB officer reports
News and information on the CEB-US
Past Issues Available Online in Members Only Section of website
Guidelines for Magazine Publication
Articles may be submitted to CEB-US Publications on any subject of interest to members from informative articles to personal hunting experiences. We are looking for in-depth training articles, calendars of tests and activities from regional clubs, test results, and much more from all CEB members. Please only send finished items six weeks prior to publication dates and provide photos (JPEG, high resolution, at least 1 MB). We reserve the right to edit for content, spacing and grammar. Articles submitted will be evaluated for approval from an editorial subcommittee.
The CEB-US magazine welcomes advertisements from club members such as: breeders enrolled in the breeder directory program, trainers, dogs for sale, gun dog focused businesses, or other ads appropriate for the CEB-US magazine. Editors reserve the right to reasonably edit or refuse material at the discretion of the Director of Publications. Advertising does not imply endorsement of any products or services. For advertising opportunities in the L'Epagneul Breton, our biannual magazine, contact:
Email the CEB publisher for more information on
Guidelines for Web Site Submissions
The web site committee welcomes submissions from regional clubs on field trials and other events. Articles and videos are also welcome that pertain to the CEB-US, the Epagneul Breton, training, trialing, dog health, or general interest. Please submit articles and videos to the Web Committee. Check accuracy of content, spelling and grammar, and provide photos if possible. If using copyrighted material, please obtain written permission and credit authors and photographers. We reserve the right to edit for content, space and grammar.
See the entire CEB-US Editorial Policy for more information.